The lazy breakfast solution

This is even before coffee so readers beware. I am the type of person that basically stumbles around sleepwalking in the morning so yeah, it is hard as it is to get this going.

  1. Get a jar, cup, plate, or whatever you find laying around.
  2. Pour plain yoghurt
  3. Add oats
  4. Mix together
  5. Add diced fruits – whatever works – I added apples
  6. Add dried fruits or just something crunchy
  7. Add some more oats
  8. Now mix together
  9. Eat

On the bright side, this breakfast can keep you going till lunch without feeling hungry or basically not being able to see from hunger.

Go away now, I need my coffee.



  • Incognito Chef

    In house chef

    Food enthusiast - your average corporate career junkie with some weird taste in food. Tasty healthy food that can be done quickly, with the least amount of mess and easy breezy.


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